Nowadays, the data is flowing in numerous streams in multiple forms and decision makers have the quick access to data as and when they require them. Nevertheless, the quality in data is a prerequisite and paramount important as it leads to right judgments. We as Senses Research, established our business operations placing quality as a key pillar to drive our business.

Senses Research is a newly established fully-fledged market research agency in Sri Lanka. It offers range of marketing and social research services to both local and overseas clients.

Undertaking Market and Social Research

We undertake carrying out of a wider range of Explorative, Descriptive and Casual Research. The company has the capabilities of executing diverse research methods including Face-to-Face (PAPI/CAPI) and telephonic interviews (CATI), Individual and Group Discussions (Offline and Online), Mystery customer observations, Online Research (CAWI), Consumer immersions, etc
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Undertaking outsourced operations from other local and foreign research agencies / institutes / professionals

Using our existing capacities, we undertake outsourced operations from other local and foreign research agencies, institutes and professionals
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Retail Sales Promotions

We undertake executing retail sales promotions island-wide at various supermarkets, showrooms, shopping malls, door-to-door and other public places.
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Chandana is an experienced and qualified professional who has been in the arena of Marketing Research for more than 2 decades. During his tenure, he has held several senior positions at leading multinational and local research agencies and other companies. He was the Head of Operations/End-to-End lead at NielsenIQ SL. Have worked for two other research agencies Kantar (then LMRB) and KRIL during the initial part in his career. Further, he’s got practical experience in strategic applications of data insights by serving as the Consumer Insights Manager for Atlas Axillia.

Apart from been in the field of research, he has held several senior managerial positions @ Edna as Deputy General Manager, @ Southern Group as Group Marketing Manager. Being a MBA graduate from the University of Colombo, Chandana is actively getting engaged in sharing his knowledge in academia as a senior visiting lecturer/supervisor attached to the faculties at Open University of Sri Lanka, SLIM and BMS